Embrace the Moment
Embrace the present moment and enjoy living in the now. Living in the present moment can enhance your mental health, physical well-being and productivity.
Life happens in the present, but we are so busy planning the future and re-living in the past that we forget to cherish where we are right now. The gift of being in the moment is one we often forget to cherish. It is necessary to set goals for the future and also reflect on past mistakes, but while doing that we often forget the gift of now. We need to remind ourselves that the future isn’t in our control, but we can control is what we are doing in the present moment.
Being able to incorporate mindfulness, self-awareness, and honing into our immediate feelings and emotions is vitally important!
Let’s Embrace Physical Exercise
Our bodies were made to move! Embracing exercise and movement can be a way to enhance your health and wellness. Physical activity is so important to do for a variety of reasons. It can improve your overall health, reduce the chances of being overweight, avoiding chronic diseases, and help with mental and physical issues. Start off with choosing an exercise program, this can be a sport or physical activity that you enjoy most. You want to be fully involved and attentive to what’s happening with your body, mind and heart while doing the exercise of choice.
For instance, if you are participating in a group dance class and are learning new dance steps and moves, you have to concentrate and focus on the exact step that you are trying to learn. Also, having to do it right to the music and staying on the beat. Being active and doing any type of movement is so important. Choosing exercises that keep you focused and in the present are the best. Keep your physical activity interesting by trying something new or challenging yourself. Signup for a dance class, golf lesson, group fitness class, hiking group, anything that makes you happy and involves exercise is a great choice. Being interactive with family members while doing the activity is another great way to stay present and also get others to join you on your journey.
Focusing on effort over ability is also important to do. Respect your limits and what your body can do for you. Instead of focusing on mastering a specific skill or ability and then feeling discouraged if you’re unable to do It, focus on the work you’re doing to achieve that goal. Take it one day and one step at a time. Consistency is most important!
It is interesting in what I have found out in my forty plus years of teaching young children and elderly adults. There is a similarity that they both have. They live in the moment and embrace it with sincerity. Children have a natural sense of enjoying the present. Whether they are participating in a dance class, sport, or other activity, one thing that remains consistent is they know how to have fun. At the other end of the spectrum, the elderly are in a stage of their life where they have accomplished and experienced many great things. They take one day at a time and focus on their immediate needs.
On a personal note I would like to share with you something that I remember to this day. When my late husband had passed away my son was only twelve years old. Through his younger years everyone always said that he was a wise old soul. One day after the passing of his father he said to me. Mom, we cannot live in the past or think about the future, we have to be in the present and live in the moment. I looked at him with teary eyes and said you are right. You are a wise old soul!
Embracing the moment is about shedding the distractions and immersing ourselves in our experiences from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Throughout life we are faced with many obstacles, challenges and situations, along with great outcomes and accomplishments. No matter the situation we have to embrace now and live in that moment with a positive attitude and perseverance so we can overcome anything! Have fun, enjoy today and embrace every moment. Be Healthy and Happy!
This article originally appeared in the Coastal View.