How to Achieve a Better Mind-Body Connection

The connection between your mental wellbeing and your physical health is far more significant than you might think. Your behaviors, outlook, attitude, beliefs, feelings and thoughts can directly affect your body’s physiological functions. Conversely, what you eat, how much you exercise and how well you sleep can impact your mental state. Many things can cause your mind-body connection to feel out of balance and getting your mind (your mental self) and body (your physical self) on the same page is not always easy. It is important to focus and strengthen this connection in order to have a healthy and vibrant life!

Exercise is one of the best activities, not just for your body, but also for your mind. So how can you train your brain to truly enjoy exercise? Learning is not all in our head; the more you focus on your mind-body connection, the stronger it gets. Some people live to sweat, some would rather not. Wherever you find yourself, you can train your mind and body to connect and find joy in exercise. By teaching yourself to be more accepting both physically and mentally of movement, you will feel more excited about exercise in general and crave it more often.

You’ll want to start by making exercise a priority. Create a regular workout routine and add it to your calendar. Choose workouts that you enjoy and that strengthen the mind-body connection. A great way to do this is by participating in activities such as yoga, tai chi or a walking meditation. Challenge yourself “just enough” to be stimulated but not burnt out or exhausted. And be sure to nourish your body with whole, healthy foods.

If you find yourself in a rut, try one of these simple suggestions for adding a little variety into your exercise routine:

  • If you like to dance, participate in different class types with a variety of music and tempos.
  • Mix up your workouts to train different muscle groups. Choose from a variety of movements, alternating between slow, moderate, and fast exercises that enhance your muscle fibers. If you normally walk every day, try adding 30 second jogging intervals every 2 minutes. If you normally enjoy strength training, try a stretching class to lengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility.
  • Plan a date with a family member, friend, spouse or partner that is fun, interactive, and gets you moving.

In addition to physical exercise, it is important to focus on your mental health. Positive thoughts can lead to the release of feel-good neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine. There are many ways to strengthen your mental state, including adopting healthy coping strategies, getting enough rest and downtime and practicing daily gratitude. Be sure not neglect this part of your workout routine.

There are many ways to improve your mind-body connection outside of working out. Try any of these to get started:

  • Practice “connecting” with yourself through meditation and other awareness building activities.
  • Laugh, let loose and feel free. Laughter builds resiliency to stress and disease, strengthens muscle and builds lung capacity. Plus, it just feels good!
  • Use your imagination and creativity in ways that inspire you. Being more imaginative can help replace limiting beliefs and motivate you to live an even richer life.
  • Get involved in your community through volunteer work. Share your skills and talents by helping others. Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger and anxiety and builds strong connections with others.

The most powerful tool to living a healthier life is within your mind and body! Be Healthy and Happy!

This article originally appeared in the Coastal View.

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