‘New You’ Year

First and foremost, Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone!

It’s that time of year when many of us make New Year resolutions that we quickly do not follow. We need to remember that setting resolutions is the easy part; following through is the challenging part. Instead of setting resolutions where you try a bunch of new things, how about instead focusing on improving upon what you are already doing, with a renewed and refreshed attitude. Wouldn’t that be better?

Many of us quickly realize that setting arbitrary resolutions simply because it’s the start of a New Year doesn’t necessarily lead to lasting change. Let’s shift our mindsets towards a more personalized approach to setting meaningful goals. When your goals align with your lifestyle and priorities, they become both easier to maintain and more rewarding in the long-term.

A good rule of thumb is to start slowly with achievable goals. When big changes or results don’t come quickly, it’s easy to feel disappointed and give up. This is especially true for fitness goals—trying to make drastic changes too fast can lead to fatigue or injury. Instead, focus on small, manageable adaptations to your routine, like walking more or trying one new healthy recipe each week. These changes will feel more natural and sustainable. Avoid taking on too much at once. Instead, embrace goals that truly resonate with you so that you stay motivated and excited by your steady, consistent progress.

5 Tips to Ensure Your Meet Your Fitness Goals 

  1. Focus on daily habits rather than end results. Big ambitious goals are accomplished through small changes to your regular routine. 
  2. Write out your goals and place them somewhere you’ll see them every day.
  3. Be realistic and start small. Don’t start with a goal that is overwhelming or not within your reach.
  4. Find an accountability buddy or join a group. There’s power in numbers. Surrounding yourself with people working towards similar goals will help keep you motivated and disciplined.
  5. Reward your progress. Stay motivated by celebrating small accomplishments with meaningful rewards along the way.

Healthy Habits for a Healthier You

Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine is crucial for overall well-being. Get moving with physical activity you enjoy, making exercise a treat, not a chore. As the saying goes, the best exercise is the one you enjoy the most. Activities that align with your interests and lifestyle are much more likely to become consistent habits. Love music? Try a dance class. Enjoy the outdoors? Take a walk, hike or bike ride. 

It’s worth repeating – start slow and build up gradually. When you begin any new activity, start at a level that suits your abilities and then gradually increase the intensity in order to stay injury-free and energized. 

I love to tell my students that variety is the spice of life! The best way to avoid a workout rut is to mix it up. Try different workout activities and exercises. Cross-training not only keeps your routine exciting but also helps target different muscle groups and prevents overworking any one area. The key to total fitness is incorporating a balanced mix of stretching, strengthening, and aerobic exercises into your workouts.

Be sure to stay hydrated by monitoring and possibly increasing your daily water intake. Water is your body’s best friend. Over 60 percent of our body is made of water. Drink before, during and after you exercise. Even on cool days, your body is sweating out more water than you realize so be sure to replenish on a regular basis!

As we kick off the New Year, I encourage all of you to find your happy place. Embrace a mindset of progress, not perfection. Choose joyful activities that fill you with joy and excitement. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and fulfilling ‘New You’ Year!

For more health and fitness tips, along with fun and active dance/fitness classes available in person and online please be sure to check out my website www.lesliesokolsdance.com

This article originally appeared in the Ventura Breeze.

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